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FireSmart Home Ignition Zone Video

HIZ Self Assessment

Post-fire studies, experiments and models have shown that homes ignite due to the condition of the home itself and everything around it, up to 100 metres from the foundation.

Creating Your Operations Map

Two people standing in a grassy field

An operations map helps producers make quick decisions and take action in the face of a wildfire threat. For farms and ranches, an operations map is a key part of having a wildfire plan.

IBHS Research Center Ember Storm Test Highlights

A person wearing a hard hat and work clothes is handling a pile of soil or mulch indoors

Courtesy of, this video shows highlights from the Insurance Institute for Business Home and Safety (IBHS) ember storm test.

The Role and Impact of a FireSmart Coordinator

person standing infront of firetruck

Meet Krista Minar and learn about her role as a FireSmart Coordinator for the city of Merritt.

Legislation & Planning

group people seated in a classroom

Wildfire prevention is a community effort. It starts with proven FireSmart practices for land-planning and building legislation that focuses on fire safety.


people reading

When it comes to being FireSmart, education is everything. From landscaping best practices to fire-resilient building materials, learning what you can do today to protect against wildfires can save homes and lives tomorrow.

Development Considerations

wooden structure

Whether you’re in the design stage, building, or performing renovations, there are many ways you can help protect your home and community from wildfires.

Vegetation Management

person mowing lawn

One of the key ways to mitigate wildfire threats is to manage vegetation on properties in fire-prone areas.

Emergency Planning

eye bird view shot of trucks parked outside

It takes everyone from firefighters to government representatives to homeowners to have the best-laid plans in a worst-case scenario.


Firefighters in uniform holding equipment.

Cross training is important both for the safety of wildfire and wildland firefighters and for the effectiveness of wildfire suppression.

Interagency Cooperation

group of firefighters standing outside

FireSmart is a shared responsibility, which means it relies on strong and lasting partnerships.

FireSmart Disciplines Overview

FireSmart Disciplines Overview

There are 7 building blocks to becoming FireSmart. We call these the "disciplines". Take the time to learn about each FireSmart discipline, and help protect your community and our province from wildfire.