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Wildfire Mitigation Program Frequently Asked Questions

home partners panel

This document contains information and frequently asked questions about The FireSmart BC Wildfire Mitigation Program (WMP) which is designed to engage residents in voluntary wildfire mitigation activities by offering a professional home assessment with property-specific recommendations to aid in reducing risk to wildfire.

FireSmart Plant Program – How To Get Started

This document is created for nurseries, garden centres, growers, and FireSmart™ Coordinators to help kickstart the FireSmart Plant Program in your community.

Cultural Sites and Green Spaces Guide & Assessment

Use these resources to determine your Cultural Sites or Green Space’s preparedness for wildfire.

Community FireSmart and Resiliency Collaborative Guidance

Community FireSmart and Resiliency Committee Guidance

If you are part of a First Nations or local government community and are interested in ensuring that your community is supporting effective FireSmart activities that will increase your community’s resiliency to wildfire, this document will assist you in forming a Community FireSmart and Resiliency Collaborative (CFRC).

Community FireSmart and Resiliency Collaborative Terms of Reference

Community FireSmart and Resiliency Committee Terms of Reference

This template is provided as an example of a Terms of Reference, please edit and adjust to suit your specific needs and goals.

Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan

Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan

Includes both a fillable Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan Template and Instruction Guide.

Wildfire Risk Reduction course

A person wearing a helmet and safety gear faces two other individuals in red uniforms

The course will introduce you to the key concepts, players, risk reduction strategies, and funding opportunities that help to minimize the negative impacts of wildfires in our province.

2023 FireSmart Community Funding & Supports Webinar

2023 FireSmart Community Funding & Supports Webinar

Learn more about the upcoming 2023 FireSmart Community Funding & Supports that will be available through the CRI program. This webinar covers an overview of program design changes and improvements to the funding provided by the Province of BC and administered by the Union of BC Municipalities in partnership with the First Nations’ Emergency Services Society and BC Wildfire Service.

The FireSmart Roadmap

Illustration of The FireSmart Roadmap

No two journeys are the same, this road map is provided to help local governments and First Nations understand where to start and what steps to take on the way to community wildfire resiliency.

FireSmart BC Library Program

illustration of the firesmart mascot

What is it? A literacy program to help children understand wildfires in British Columbia and how they can help create more resilient communities.

Lawn Neighbourhood Signs

Lawn Neighbourhood Signs

A lawn sign allowing homeowners to prompt their neighbours into becoming FireSmart.

Lawn Neighbourhood Signs (Editable Template)

Lawn Neighbourhood Signs

Use this editable lawn sign template to create FireSmart lawn signs for neighbourhoods. Local governments can add their email, phone and logo to the sign.

Job Description – FireSmart Coordinator

Please use this fillable and sign-able job description PDF for the role of FireSmart Coordinator.

Job Description – FireSmart Crew Member

Please use this fillable and sign-able job description PDF for the role of FireSmart Crew Member.

Job Description – Local FireSmart Representative

Please use this fillable and sign-able job description PDF for the role of Local FireSmart Representative (LFR).