Resource Ordering Form

If you require more than the listed maximum quantity of resources below, you can purchase them from the Distribution Centre Victoria Store using CRI funding. If you do not have access to funding and cannot afford them, contact your Local FireSmart Coordinator for assistance in obtaining these resources. If your area does not have a Local FireSmart Coordinator, or if they cannot accommodate your request, please contact for more options.

Your Information
Full name:

Organization: (Fire Hall, BC Wildfire Service office, Local government office, First Nations band, etc.)

Phone number:

Email address:

Street address: (where you would like your resources shipped to)



Postal code:

Description of how you intend to use these resources (community event, school visit, town hall meeting, interagency meeting, etc.)

How did you hear about the BC FireSmart online resource ordering form?

Select Resources

FireSmart Bookmark - (Max 100)

FireSmart Children’s Ember Bookmark - (Max 100)

Landscaping Brochure - (Max 100)

FireSmart Begins At Home Guide (PDF) - (Max 25)

FireSmart BC Landscaping Guide - (Max 25)