Community FireSmart and Resiliency Collaboratives (CFRCs)

About the collaboratives

Community FireSmart and Resiliency Collaboratives (CFRCs) were initiated by the BC FireSmart Committee in 2021 to increase partner and agency collaboration and support FireSmart activities that align with the seven FireSmart disciplines across the province.

It takes the collaborative efforts of multiple partners working together to achieve wildfire resilient communities. A CFRC provides for organized collaboration under a scalable format and may include local fire departments, First Nations and/or local government staff and elected officials as well as provincial government organizations and industry representatives.

The Community Firesmart and Resiliency Collaborative can provide the missing link bringing partners together under a common vision connected to the seven Firesmart disciplines. The purpose of the CFRC is to strengthen collaboration between key partners including local communities and provincial agency staff with stakeholders to coordinate, plan and share information on how to successfully implement the seven FireSmart disciplines at a local, regional or multi-scale level.

Want to register a CFRC? Fill out the the form below.

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Key documents

Community FireSmart and Resiliency Collaborative Guidance

Community FireSmart and Resiliency Committee Guidance

If you are part of a First Nations or local government community and are interested in ensuring that your community is supporting effective FireSmart activities that will increase your community’s resiliency to wildfire, this document will assist you in forming a Community FireSmart and Resiliency Collaborative (CFRC).

Community FireSmart and Resiliency Collaborative Terms of Reference

Community FireSmart and Resiliency Committee Terms of Reference

This template is provided as an example of a Terms of Reference, please edit and adjust to suit your specific needs and goals.