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Introduction to cultural burning and prescribed fire

Introduction to cultural burning and prescribed fire

When managed properly, fire is a powerful tool for managing the health and safety of our forests, communities and wildlife. Learn more about prescribed fire and cultural burning in this animated video.

Secretary Rice and FireSmart BC ask BC residents to prepare for wildfire

Wildfire danger rating sign

FireSmart BC and Jennifer Rice, Parliamentary Secretary for Emergency Preparedness BC, are calling on residents of British Columbia to start preparing for wildfire using simple, proven steps to mitigate the impacts of wildfire on their property and communities. Watch this video to see Jennifer Rice putting FireSmart into action.

Towards a shared understanding of wildfire risk in Canada

Towards a shared understanding of wildfire risk in Canada

On May 3, 2022, the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre and ICLR hosted a joint half-day online workshop titled 'Towards a shared understanding of wildfire risk in Canada'.

FireSmart BC launches Landscaping Hub & Plant Program

FireSmart BC launches Landscaping Hub & Plant Program

Watch and learn about the new virtual FireSmart Landscaping Hub and Plant Program! From the online resources to the program launched in over 30 garden centres, we are helping British Columbians make informed choices about how to manage their lawn and gardens and increase their resilience to wildfire.

The Beauty of FireSmart Landscaping with Brian Minter

bryan minter headshot

Brian Minter, BC’s go-to gardening expert, reflects on gardening, climate change, and how FireSmart landscaping can help mitigate homeowners' risks when it comes to wildfire.

FireSmart Canada Neighbourhood Recognition Program (FCNRP) vs Home Partners Program (HPP)

man carrying tree over his shoulder

This video explains explains the difference between the Home Partners Program (HPP) and the FireSmart Canada Neighbourhood Recognition Program (FCNRP).

Wildfire Mitigation Specialist (WMS) vs Local FireSmart Representative (LFR)

scott rogers headshot

In this video Scott Rogers breaks down the difference between a Wildfire Mitigation Specialist (WMS) and a Local FireSmart Representative (LFR).

FireSmart BC Plant Program

FireSmart BC Plant Program

The FireSmart BC Plant program is one of the integral ways of educating British Columbians. Using clearly marked tags on plants found at home and garden centres, the program instantly shows customers, right at the time of purchase, which plants are considered more fire-resilient.

Home Partners Program Overview

sign that says "firesmart assessment in progress"

The FireSmart Home Partners Program was designed to engage homeowners in voluntary wildfire mitigation activities by offering a professional home assessment with property-specific recommendations.

FireSmart BC + Art Knapp

An A-frame sign promoting FireSmart plants stands on a paved area near potted plants.

We teamed up with Art Knapp stores in Kamloops and Prince George; enlisting our favourite FireSmart messenger, Ember, to help get the word out about FireSmart landscaping.

Tips and Tricks Webinar

Tips and Tricks Webinar

This webinar was held in order to provide local governments, First Nations, Neighbourhood Champions, Fire Departments, Community FireSmart and Resiliency Committee members and Local FireSmart Representatives with the tools and know-how to create their own FireSmart communication channels and materials.

The Worst Plan Is No Plan

The Worst Plan Is No Plan

There’s a lot you can do before an evacuation is ordered to protect your home, farmland, or ranch from wildfire.

We Asked The Experts

A firefighter sits on a chair in a mountainous area with the text "WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED?" displayed above.

After years of devastating wildfires, we asked firefighters and experts from around the world one question: “What have we learned?” As it turns out, people who have fought these fires also saw a silver lining: the homes that survived did something different, but simple.

The Farm/Ranch Wildfire Plan Guide and Workbook

eye bird view shot of farm

Producers face unique challenges from wildfire. Use the Farm/Ranch Wildfire Plan guide and workbook to develop a preparedness plan that’s customized for your specific operational needs.

FireSmart Home Ignition Zone Assessment

person writing on clipboard

Watch Larry Watkinson (Fire Chief of Penticton) give a Home Ignition Zone Assessment for a homeowner in Penticton, BC. Home assessments are a great opportunity to identify where FireSmart practices can be applied on the home.