Look for the FireSmart plant tag at garden centres
What you plant and where you plant matters when it comes to protecting your house from wildfire. And while there are no fire-proof plants, there are FireSmart ones that are less prone to burning than others. But we get it. Most people just want to plant a pretty garden without doing a bunch of scientific research on what plants are safe, so we did all that for you and developed the FireSmart Plant Program with unique FireSmart Plant Tags to help you find safer plants at your local participating garden centre. Find your local program partner below.

Participating garden centres
and nurseries
Check out all of our participating garden centres here and find your local Plant Program partner.
Calling all garden centres and nurseries in British Columbia
Participating garden centres have loved our Plant Program. There are all sorts of benefits for participating garden centres and nurseries:
- Partner recognition on the FireSmart BC website
- Official recognition as a certified fire-resistant plant supplier
- Promotion via paid and organic social media posts
- Point-of-purchase support, including plant tags, signage,
and landscaping guides - Promotion in media events relating to the program
- Access to appearances by FireSmart BC mascot Ember for
community/store events - Input on further development of the Plant Program in BC and across the country
Want to learn more? Check out our how to get started document, then fill out or form or contact us below.
It’s time to get FireSmart with your landscaping
Use our fire-resistant plant tool to find which FireSmart plants will grow in your region. For insights on FireSmart landscaping best practises, visit the FireSmart landscaping tips page.
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