Your go-to resources to make your home and neighbourhood more wildfire resilient.
For First Nations and those who work in local governments, here are the resources and information you need to help prepare your communities for wildfire.
For LFRs helping engage and motivate their communities; here are some prioritized pages, resources and information to help you build a more FireSmart BC.
For firefighters and fire departments looking to make their communities more prepared for wildfire, here are some of the key resources you’ll need.
Please review the First Steps document prior to completing this application.
Please reach out to a Local FireSmart Coordinator for assistance first.
The following information will appear on the public Plant Partner page + map.
This information will not be shared with the public and will only be used for internal purposes.
Coordinators should order resources for Plant Partners from the Distribution Centre Victoria Online Store using their CRI funding. For questions about ordering, please email
For businesses without a Coordinator, select which supplies you would like shipped to your store below. Products can be viewed on the Distribution Centre Victoria Online Store. Limited quantities of free printed resources can be requested using the Resource Ordering Form.
Hanging Plant Tag – (Max 200) 0 50 100 150 200
Hook and Loop Tag – (Max 200) 0 50 100 150 200
Plant Spikes – (Max 200) 0 50 100 150 200
Banner – (Max 1) 0 1
Feather Flag – (Max 2) 0 1 2
Sandwich Board – (Max 2) 0 1 2
Posters – (Max 10) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Buttons – (Max 10) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
T-Shirts (Small) – (Max 2) 0 1 2
T-Shirts (Medium) – (Max 2) 0 1 2
T-Shirts (Large) – (Max 2) 0 1 2
T-Shirts (X-Large) – (Max 2) 0 1 2
1" Sticker – (Max 100) 0 50 100
2.5" QR Code Sticker – (Max 100) 0 50 100