FireSmart Plant Program – How To Get Started

This document is created for nurseries, garden centres, growers, and FireSmart™ Coordinators to help kickstart the FireSmart Plant Program in your community.
This document is created for nurseries, garden centres, growers, and FireSmart™ Coordinators to help kickstart the FireSmart Plant Program in your community.
This document contains information and frequently asked questions about The FireSmart BC Wildfire Mitigation Program (WMP) which is designed to engage residents in voluntary wildfire mitigation activities by offering a professional home assessment with property-specific recommendations to aid in reducing risk to wildfire.
This guide provides easy steps to make your property FireSmart, while also covering how wildfires grow and spread, and the bigger picture of creating FireSmart communities.
This guide outlines how each homeowner can make their property and neighbourhood FireSmart.