Home Partners Program Hub

What is the FireSmart Home Partners Program?

The FireSmart BC Home Partners Program (HPP) was designed to engage residents in voluntary wildfire mitigation activities by offering a professional home assessment with property-specific recommendations.

HPP is a program based on research. Want to learn more about the WUI fire science and research behind it? Visit our research page.

Get an assessment

Who’s behind the program?

The FireSmart Home Partners Program is a collaboration between FireSmart BC, local governments, Indigenous communities, the private sector, and residents in BC.

Which areas in BC are currently participating?

For the full list of participating BC communities, see the Home Partners Map.

Have a question about the program? Get in touch today

Protect your home. Save money.

Check out our participating insurance partners and learn how Home Partners certification can help save you money while also increasing your home’s wildfire resilience.

The Home Partners Program Assessment

About the assessment

A FireSmart BC Home Partners Property Assessment provides residents with:

  • An in-depth, on-site assessment conducted by experienced fire professionals.
  • An opportunity for property owners to identify mitigation actions unique to their property.
  • A detailed follow-up report with customized mitigation actions designed to measurably reduce the wildfire risk to your property.
  • An opportunity to earn FireSmart acknowledgement for your mitigation achievements through a certificate. The certificate is given upon successful completion of required mitigation actions and an on-site follow-up inspection.
  • A mitigation certification that can be shared with participating insurance providers to showcase mitigation activities and may be eligible for insurance incentives or discounts. Please note: FireSmart does not share the assessment or any details of the assessment with the insurance industry.
  • FireSmart Home signage for their property (upon successful completion of required mitigation actions and an on-site follow-up inspection).

Get an assessment

Find your city or district below to get an assessment.

Search for your BC community:

No participating cities were found for your search. Try searching for a neighbouring city or contact hpp.admin@firesmartbc.ca for more details.

Don’t see your community listed? Get in touch!

Home Partners Case Study – Princeton

Program Participants

Check out our participants page for a wealth of information on starting a Home Partners Program in your community.
Learn more