Wildfire Community Preparedness Day: Sunshine Valley

Wildfire Community Preparedness Day promotes communities around the province joining together with the goal of improving wildfire resiliency in their area. In this video, residents of Sunshine Valley united to reduce wildfire risks in their community despite the wet weather.

Community FireSmart and Resiliency Committee Guidance

If you are part of a First Nations or local government community and are interested in ensuring that your community is supporting effective FireSmart activities that will increase your community’s resiliency to wildfire, this document will assist you in forming a Community FireSmart and Resiliency Committee (CFRC).

FireSmart BC Education Program – Grades 4-6

Here you'll find FireSmart BC Education Program lesson plans for Grades 4 to Grade 6.

Lesson one: How can we best use understanding of our local ecozone to make an area FireSmart?

Theme: Fire Science

Lesson two: What are the most important lessons about using fire to care for the land that we can learn from First Peoples?

Theme: Fire Science

Lesson three: What helpful habits could improve wildfire safety and prevention?

Theme: Safety

Lesson four: How related are climate change and wildfires?

Theme: Fire Science

Lesson five: How can people in communities best share responsibility for wildfire safety?

Theme: Safety

FireSmart BC Education Program – Grades 7-9

Here you'll find FireSmart BC Education Program lesson plans for Grades 7 to Grade 9.

Lesson one: How much have wildfires changed?

Theme: Mitigation and prevention

Lesson two: What are the most important effects of prescribed fire on ecosystem health?

Theme: Ecosystem Stewardship

Lesson three: What is the strongest evidence that the current climate crisis is a product of human actions?

Theme: Mitigation and prevention

Lesson four: What important lessons about wildfire prevention and safety could be learned from Indigenous Peoples?

Theme: Ecosystem Stewardship

Lesson five: What are the relationships between colonialism and wildfires?

Theme: Ecosystem Stewardship

FireSmart BC Education Program – Grades 10-12

Here you'll find FireSmart BC Education Program lesson plans for Grades 10 to Grade 12.

Lesson one: What are the most significant impacts of climate change on wildfires?

Lesson two: How can FireSmart landscaping be used to mitigate wildfires in your community?

Lesson three: To what degree are wildfires helpful or harmful to the health of ecosystems?

Lesson four: What could individuals do to personally mitigate the causes and impacts of wildfires?

Lesson five: What could communities do to effectively mitigate the causes and impacts of wildfires?