1. Contact a Local FireSmart Representative
Reach out to your Local FireSmart Representative (LFR) and inform them that your neighbourhood is interested in becoming FireSmart.
2. Form a FireSmart Neighbourhood Committee
Have your Neighbourhood Champions(s) and/or LFR recruit others from your neighbourhood to create a FireSmart Committee. The Committee can be made up of homeowners, Neighbourhood champions, fire professionals or anyone that is interested in improving the wildfire resiliency of your neighbourhood. The committee is led by the Neighbourhood Champion(s).
3. LFR Conducts Neighbourhood Site Visit
A Neighbourhood Wildfire Hazard Assessment Form is completed. The LFR provides an evaluation of the community’s wildfire readiness and schedules a meeting with your local FireSmart Board to present the assessment for review and acceptance by the Board.
4. Create A FireSmart Neighbourhood Plan
The FireSmart Neighbourhood Plan is prepared by the FireSmart Committee and assisted by the Local FireSmart Representative. The plan contains a minimum of three FireSmart mitigations ‘Action Items’. The plan is reviewed and approved by the FireSmart Committee.
5. Implement FireSmart Events
FireSmart events which are outlined in the FireSmart Neighbourhood Plan are organized by the FireSmart Committee. These activities range from information sessions to ‘work bee’ wildfire hazard clean-up session. FireSmart event(s) are mandatory for recognition and renewal. Use the Volunteer Sign-Up and Volunteer Resource Tracker sheets to record your FireSmart event and neighbourhood involvement.
6. Apply for recognition
Application form is completed by the Neighbourhood Champion/FireSmart Committee and the Local FireSmart Representative. The FireSmart Canada Neighbourhood Recognition status is achieved after your neighbourhood submits it’s application form along with the following:
- Proof of FireSmart Committee
- Wildfire Hazard Assessment
- FireSmart Neighbourhood Plan
- FireSmart Event
- Spend $2/capita
7. Renewing your recognition status yearly
Applications and Annual renewal of your recognition is completed by the FireSmart Committee and assisted by the LFR. Completed applications are submitted to the FCNRP Portal.