Do Your Part. Get FireSmart.

In the midst of wildfire season, it’s up to all of us to play a part in keeping our communities safe. Thankfully, your role is simple and a few household tasks are all it takes. We’re here to guide you through them.

So what is FireSmart?

From simple tips for residents looking to protect their property to tried-and-tested community programs led by local experts, everything you need to protect and prepare your home, neighbourhood, or municipality during wildfire season can be found right here.

Do your part this wildfire season.

Check out the FireSmart BC Begins At Home Guide to learn how to you can prepare your property for wildfire.

View guide

Clean your roof and gutters.

Trim any branches hanging over your roof, and clear leaves and other debris from your gutters. These burn easily when embers come in contact with them, so make sure your roof is a fuel-free area.

Move firewood and propane 10-30 metres away from your home.

Don’t let fire come to your door. Move anything that can be fuel for the fire a safe 10-30 meters distance from your home. Keeping your grass cut below 10 cm is also another way to keep fire away. 

Have a wildfire evacuation plan within your household.

Don’t wing it. Having a simple evacuation plan is easy to do, and makes a world of difference.

Get a free FireSmart Home assessment

Get an assessment from your Local FireSmart Representative (LFR).

With hundreds of LFR’s all over BC, they are your go-to local resource for advice, FireSmart home/neighbourhood assessments, and more!

BC woman’s story about how she saved her home from wildfire

It All Starts With The FireSmart BC Begins At Home Guide

This guide provides easy steps to make your property FireSmart, so you can reduce the potential impacts of wildfire on your home, neighbourhood, and community.

See the guide

Make sure your yard is FireSmart with our Landscaping Hub

This hub includes an extensive list of fire-resistant plants, tips on how to create a FireSmart landscape, and information on the FireSmart BC Plant Program.

Landscaping Hub
A white woman placing a FireSmart Plant Program tag on a pink flower

Find FireSmart plants at a store near you

firesmart plant program
The FireSmart BC Plant Program is a simple, visual way to showcase which plants are considered more fire-resistant at the point of purchase. Find out more about the program, and check for participating stores near you.
Our Part, Your Part