LFR of the month
Every month we highlight a Local FireSmart Representative (LFR) that is making a major impact in their local community. Know of a LFR that deserves recognition? Submit their name below.
- 01.Overview
- 02.LFR of the month
Current recipient
Chris Walker
1. Where do you live and what geographical area do you cover? I live in Pritchard, I cover mostly the Pritchard and Monte Creek areas.
2. How long have you been an LFR? I have been an LFR since May 2024.
3. What made you decide that you wanted to be an LFR and support homeowners and neighbourhoods on how to become FireSmart?I decided to become an LFR as I have been involved with fire education for many years. Pritchard Fire had already been doing FireSmart assessments for approximately 11/2 years when the opportunity came up for us to become certified LFRs. Pritchard has a fire rating of 1 with Wildfire BC which is extreme. I knew that if we were to save homes in our community Fire education was critical. The only way to achieve this goal was educating our community and the residents with the knowledge of FireSmart. In 2023 I was deployed on the Bush Creek Fire. Most of the homes that were lost had no FireSmart, and no property mitigation. The majority of the homes that were saved were FireSmarted with the aid of structural protection. Bottom line, FireSmart Works!!
4. What would you say are your 2 biggest challenges as an LFR ? I decided to become an LFR as I have been involved with fire education for many years. Pritchard Fire had already been doing FireSmart assessments for approximately 11/2 years when the opportunity came up for us to become certified LFRs. Pritchard has a fire rating of 1 with Wildfire BC which is extreme. I knew that if we were to save homes in our community Fire education was critical. The only way to achieve this goal was educating our community and the residents with the knowledge of FireSmart. In 2023 I was deployed on the Bush Creek Fire. Most of the homes that were lost had no FireSmart, and no property mitigation. The majority of the homes that were saved were FireSmarted with the aid of structural protection. Bottom line, FireSmart Works!!
5. What are some of your successes with the FireSmart program? T I would say that my biggest successes are educating home owners on FireSmart and doing the assessment. Then doing a follow up reassessment at the home owners request. Walking the home and property with them, you can see and feel the enthusiasm. That makes me smile to know we are doing our job!
6. What has been your favourite project/event you have done with your local FireSmart Program? My favorite project and event was FireSmarting 40plus Modular homes at Country View Estates. On July 22nd Pritchard and Monte Creek Fire received a page out to a structure fire at Country View. When we arrived on scene 2 structures were fully engulfed. The cedars that acted as a privacy fence between the modulars were also on fire as well as the junipers out front. The radiant heat from the fires was close to igniting the homes on the left and right of the burning structures. We knocked down the cedars and junipers and continued exposure protection on the homes that were saveable. During the mop up phase my Fire Chief Mark Corey introduced me to the park Caretaker as the FireSmart rep for our Dept. We had a brief discussion about FireSmart and we exchanged numbers to talk at a later date. I contacted Kim McMillan, our Lead FireSmart Coordinator for the TNRD. We talked about the necessity to FireSmart these properties. After much discussion and Emails with Country View we set up a community meeting in the 2nd week of Sept 2024 at Country View Estates. We were presented with lots of questions supporting them with many answers. To date we have completed over 40 FireSmart assessments. In the spring of 2025 we will further be supporting them with a tree chipping service and ongoing FireSmart education.
7. What advice would you give to other LFR’s? Any advice I can give to other LFRS would be to continue to further your FireSmart knowledge through their website and literature. As well as look to see what other Fire Departments are doing to educate their communities. Perhaps you can work with some of their information and work it into your weekly FireSmart Departments page. After all, we are all on the same team. Good Luck, keep safe.
Nominate a LFR
Know of a great LFR? Perfect! Nominate them today by using our submission form, or by sending us an email to info@firesmartbc.ca with their name and why you’d like to nominate them.