There are a lot of ways to make your home and yourself FireSmart.


The FireSmart BC Homeowner’s Manual

Simple, digestible, proven tips to protect your property.

Whether it’s in the calm of spring when threats are low or in the heat of fire season when dangers are high, our virtual Homeowner’s Manual is a must-have tool for becoming FireSmart. In this guide, you’ll find scientifically-proven tips on how to protect your home ahead of time or, in some cases, when a wildfire emergency strikes.

Open booklet showing Home ignition zone illustration
Wheelbarrow filled with various plants and twigs.


FireSmart BC Landscaping Hub

A handy guide to everyday chores that can save your home.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a gardening guru or a fairweather landscaper; the FireSmart BC Landscaping Hub contains all you need to prepare your property for wildfire season. Here you’ll get helpful tips on everything, like how short to mow your lawn or what fire-resilient vegetation to plant on your property. And for more in-depth tips and tasks, download or order by mail the Landscaping Guide: an essential resource on your computer desktop or on your workbench.


Home Partners Program

Personal and professional insight brought right to your door.

The Home Partners Program is designed to engage directly with homeowners by offering professional property assessments. These reports help identify areas of a house that are fire hazards, as well as provide recommendations on how to make them more resilient. The program is growing fast across the province. Find out if your community offers assessments, and join the program today.

home partners panel
A person is writing on a clipboard with a pencil.


Evacuation Checklist

A clear and concise checklist for homeowners to use in a wildfire emergency.

Not sure what to do in case of a real-life emergency? Our Evacuation Checklist has you covered. All you have to do is download the single-page list and, if the worst case scenario happens, you’ll know exactly what to do.


Wildfire Resilience Home-Construction/Renovation and Landscaping Checklist

An essential tool for builders and homeowners alike.

Building a new home? Renovating your house? Looking to make your property as FireSmart as possible? This is the perfect time to make the Wildfire Resilience Home-Construction/Renovation and Landscaping Checklist part of your plans. This simple guide breaks down everything you can (and should) do to protect your property. It’s filled with tried-and-tested best practices that not only make your home look great, but also mitigate or—in some cases—prevent damage from wildfire.

A construction worker uses a power drill on a piece of wood
A test setup in a lab shows a fire emitting sparks towards a structure with a grid pattern.


See How Wildfire Spreads and How FireSmart Principles Work

IBHS Research Center Ember Storm Test Highlights

If you’ve ever wondered just how FireSmart principles are tried, tested and proven, this IBHS Research Center Ember Storm Test Highlights video is a perfect example.

For all of our wildfire resources and more, visit our homepage to continue your FireSmart journey.

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