Everyday Chores Make Everyday Heroes
So what is FireSmart?
Whether you’re a resident or a community leader, FireSmart is your go-to source when preparing for wildfire season.
From simple tips for residents looking to protect their property to tried-and-tested community programs led by local experts, everything you need to protect and prepare your home, neighbourhood, or municipality during wildfire season can be found right here.
Introducing the FireSmart BC Landscaping Hub
This hub includes an extensive list of fire-resistant plants, tips on how to create a FireSmart landscape, and information on the FireSmart BC Plant Program.
Landscaping HubQuick and easy FireSmart tips
The FireSmart your home infographic
Taking action to FireSmart your property will dramatically decrease the risk of wildfire damaging your home. The best part is, it’s surprisingly easy to do.

Is your neighbourhood FireSmart?
FireSmart Canada officially recognizes over 100 neighbourhoods across BC as being prepared for the threat of wildfire. Check if your community is on the list of “FireSmart Recognized Neighbourhoods”.
Have a question?
Get in touch with your Local FireSmart Representative (LFR).
With hundreds of LFR’s all over BC, they are your go-to local resource for advice, FireSmart home/neighbourhood assessments, and more!

Find FireSmart plants at a store near you

Help us by sharing the FireSmart message.
Now is the time to take action. You won’t have time to get prepared once fire is at your doorstep.