LFR of the month

Current recipient

headshot of a woman and Ember the fox

Christina Kelly

Leq’a:mel First Nation

1. Where do you live and what geographical area do you cover?  Leq’a:mel First Nation is in the Fraser Valley, Deroche BC.

2. How long have you been an LFR? Not long but I am very passionate about the FireSmart Program, and helping our community become resilient and mitigate the risks associated with forest Fires.

3. What made you decide that you wanted to be an LFR and support homeowners and neighbourhoods on how to become FireSmart? Climate change impacts such as drought have created tinder dry conditions causing the threat of forest fires for all communities. Action needs to be taken to ensure education, awareness and mitigation practises occur.

4. What would you say are your 2 biggest challenges as an LFR ? My two biggest challenges, knowing that all our homes won’t be mitigated this year in our community and really hoping to host a Youth FireSmart Fair where we can reach the children with FireSmart education. This year has the potential to be a bad year, I want to do everything I can to prepare our community.

5. What are some of your successes with the FireSmart program? 1. Mitigating 25 Elders homes on Reserve
2. Attending the Prince George Wildfire Summit
3. Having the FNESS Team support through out the entire process
4. Attending 5 FireSmart Fairs highlighting our communities progress and seeing other communities’ successes.

6. What has been your favourite project/event you have done with your local FireSmart Program? Leq’a:mel FireSmart Fair June 7, 2024, 143 community members attended and really got to know the FireSmart Program.

7. What advice would you give to other LFR’s? One house, one community at a time is all it takes to make an impact, being a LFR is a privilege, honor and knowing I’m apart of a much larger FireSmart team that supports each other each step of the way is absolutely amazing!

8. What is your favourite of aspect of the FireSmart BC website ?Resources are my favorite aspect of the website and I utilize them daily, I don’t have to have all the answers, when I can easily locate them online.

A Fire Icon

Nominate a LFR

Know of a great LFR? Perfect! Nominate them today by using our submission form, or by sending us an email to info@firesmartbc.ca with their name and why you’d like to nominate them.

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    Tell us why you’d like to nominate them

    Previous LFRs of the month

    Jessica Chalmers

    The Elk Valley and South Country
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    David Mckay

    (Xwisten)Bridge River Band Community Reserve
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    Gloria Lejour

    The District of Metchosin
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    Len Youden

    Columbia Shuswap Regional District
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    Daniel Funk

    Thompson Nicola Regional District
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    Tammy Marsel

    Tk’emlups te Secwepmec Nation in Kamloops BC
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    Garrett Fishlock

    Regional District of Central Kootenay
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    Robin Strong

    Squamish-Lillooet Regional District
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    Ted Traer

    Quesnel and the North Cariboo
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