FireSmart Toolkit

Get started

Key Resources

Important Links


  • Who is FireSmart BC? - Watch video

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  • Kerry Anderson FireSmart Testimonial - Watch video

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    <iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
  • FireSmart BC Home Assessment - Watch video

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Social Media

About the program

FireSmart BC is a provincial program, based on the FireSmart Canada model, committed to educating British Columbians on the risks of wildfires and mitigating their impact through the implementation of homeowner and community based solutions. FireSmart BC is overseen by the BC FireSmart Committee, an organization that consists of key wildfire management agencies and partners from across the province. The FireSmart BC website is here to give you practical information about the program and teach how individuals and communities can get started, providing Courses, Guides, Home Assessments and Information on how to become a FireSmart Recognized Neighbourhood.

Looking for Ember or FireSmart logos?

To access FireSmart Marks and Ember the FireSmart Fox (including directives for using these marks) go here. To learn more about Ember, and download Ember related resources, visit Ember’s Den. Ember Raking Leaves

Looking for high-resolution or vector graphics?

If you’re looking for vector/working files of our assets, please reach out to Infographic