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Education Materials

FireSmart BC Education Program – Grades K-1

illustration of a kid in grades K-1

Here you'll find FireSmart BC Education Program lesson plans for Kindergarten to Grade 1.

FireSmart BC Education Program – Grades 2-3

illustration of a kid in grades 2-3

Here you'll find FireSmart BC Education Program lesson plans for Grades 2 to Grade 3.

FireSmart BC Education Program – Grades 4-6

Illustration of a kid in grades 4-6

Here you'll find FireSmart BC Education Program lesson plans for Grades 4 to Grade 6.

FireSmart BC Education Program – Grades 7-9

Illustration of kid in grade 7-9

Here you'll find FireSmart BC Education Program lesson plans for Grades 7 to Grade 9.

FireSmart BC Education Program – Grades 10-12

Grades 10-12

Here you'll find FireSmart BC Education Program lesson plans for Grades 10 to Grade 12.

Ember’s Den

A webpage introduces Ember, the FireSmart Fox, featuring an illustration of the mascot

Meet Ember, FireSmart's official new mascot. She makes for the perfect FireSmart messenger because of her unique characteristics, which include: alertness, adaptability, intelligence and community mindedness.