FireSmart Tips

Make sure to check out our interactive guide to FireSmart Your Home

Are overhead power lines clear of vegetation?  Contact your service provider for assistance with removing trees close to utility lines.


MYTH:  If I know the back streets in my suburb or town well, it will be ok for me to leave at the very last minute.

FACT: Smoke from a fire can limit visibility and you may become confused or disoriented.  Power lines and fallen trees on roads may be hard to see making driving dangerous.  It is always better to leave early before the fire arrives.


Make sure your family knows where the gas, electric, and water mains shut-off are!


MYTH:  I’ll be fine; the forest is a few streets away.

FACT:  Most houses are burnt in wildfires because of ember attacks.  Embers can cause fires many kilometres in from the main fire.  You need to ensure that your home is properly prepared to withstand ember attacks.


Pruning the lower branches of trees to 2 metres is a free FireSmart activity!


Embers can get into homes easily through vents and other openings and burn your home from the inside out.  Walk around your house and see what openings you should install screens on!


Every inside corner of your roof is a place where debris and embers can collect – clean them regularly!


When planting new trees, consider planting deciduous species such as birch and aspen.


Don’t just FireSmart your house – use the same FireSmart principles for your sheds and outbuildings that are less than 10 metres from your home.


Conducting a FireSmart assessment of your home is a free FireSmart activity!


Creating a family communication plan is a great idea to ensure your family is prepared in the event of an evacuation.
