I would just like to take this opportunity to let you know about the Langford fire department events we held this summer our FireSmart campaign.
Langford fire prevention department intended on hosting several events this year to educate the community in FireSmart. Due to the COVID pandemic some events had to be postponed, however we did manage the following initiates in our district:
- FireSmart booklet drop to over 300 residential properties in potential wildfire areas.
- Information and posters sent to over 9,500 people via social media.
- Campaign advertisement on signs throughout the City of Langford.
- Disposable ashtrays distributed to help prevent discarded cigarettes.
- Yard waste clean up and disposal day.
- Free draw for a WASP wildfire protection kit x3.
The yard waste clean up event was coordinated with the help of local businesses and due to the province putting a stop to all open burning, we sent out letters to over 850 residents in Langford who had a plot size of 0.5 of an acre or more who would usually be allowed to burn yard waste. These residents were invited to clean up their yards and drop of the debris at an event day held at Luxton Fair Grounds.
Over 165 yards of waste was collected and disposed of by our sponsors at GFL Environmental. This yard waste disposal was free to residents due to kind contributions for our sponsor’s and the volunteers help from Langford Fire Rescue.
The event was a huge success and something we intend on running again next year or even in the fall.
I would again like to take the opportunity to thank our sponsor’s for their support and look forward to more FireSmart events in the future.