The Campbell River FireSmart Guide to Gardening was created to provide local gardeners living in Campbell River and the surrounding area guidance to help reduce losses from wildfire damage.
The project began in June 2019 and was published in October 2020. The gardening guide has been very well received by the community and is showcased in several stores in Campbell River as well as been picked up by local media.
The Campbell River FireSmart Guide to Gardening recommends a number of ways people can work with nature and the changing seasons to make their property fire resistant. It illustrates how incorporating fire-resistant plants in lush landscapes reduces the chance that embers from a wildfire will damage or destroy a home. These principles also incorporate best practices to support plants and reduce harm to wildlife.
Aligning with FireSmart Canada’s national brand and principles, the locally designed and beautifully illustrated guide covers a number of important topics including an introduction to FireSmart principles, fire resistant plants, property water retention, plants to avoid, planning your gardening activies and a list of the resources used to create this book.
An added bonus for the local gardeners and naturalists in the region is the section on planning your gardening activities. As residents work to make their yard and garden fire resistant, working with nature and the changing seasons will help to bolster plantings and reduce harm to wildlife.
The guide features beautiful graphic design and illustrations by School District 72 students Jennifer-Thorton Hughes and Bailey Bellosillo. Information has been developed to meet local building requirements and the specific climate conditions of northern Vancouver Island region thanks to the collaborative efforts of the BC Wildfire Service, Greenways Land Trust, FireSmart BC, School District 72, Strathcona Regional District and multiple departments within the City of Campbell River.