Now is the time to learn how to FireSmart your property.”
J. Chase - Kamloops Fire RescueForest Fire Season in Kamloops may be months away, but now is the time to learn how to FireSmart your property.

We wanted to thank Partners in Protection and FireSmart Canada.”
Jennifer H. - GambierWith your $500 grant we were able to bring a Local FireSmart Representative from a neighbouring island to assess two dwellings on Gambier. We were able to invite a small number of community members to observe the assessments and everyone benefited from the discussions around mitigation of risk at the two properties.
Implementing FireSmart principles on your property is not an expensive venture.”
Anita D - Prince George
It helps reduce the amount of resources we'll have to spend on infrastructure, homes, public safety.”
Jamie G - District of Mackenzie
I have a lot of confidence in my home now that I've done this work.”
Pat Crook - Mackenzie
It means protecting my home by making sure it's constructed with the right materials.”
Denis Thompson - Anarchist Mountain
It allows us to interact with the community, and set up some guidelines that can really us reduce our wildfire risk. ”
Krista Minar - Merrit
Any action that home owners take to reduce the ignitability of their structure is where big gains can be made.”
Kelvin Hirsch
Empower the community to protect themselves”