WMS of the Month
Every month we highlight a Wildfire Mitigation Specialist (WMS) that is making a major impact in their local community. Know of a WMS that deserves recognition? Submit their name below.
Current recipient

Darryl Adrian
St'at'imc Territory
1) Darryl Adrian has 28 years of experience in emergency management, serving with the BCWS, FNESS, MoF, and the Lillooet Tribal Council. As the Emergency Management Coordinator, he facilitates coordination among local, provincial, and federal governments, as well as the six St’at’imc communities. Darryl prioritizes transparent communication, collaboration, and leveraging local resources to enhance emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. He ensures training is accessible to all, including those with learning barriers, fostering community engagement and safe spaces for dialogue.
A wildfire mitigation specialist, Darryl integrates FireSmart practices into communities through the seven disciplines, promoting fire-resilient landscapes and infrastructure. He respects Indigenous knowledge and bridges connections between St’at’imc communities and government stakeholders, strengthening partnerships. His innovative approach includes using technologies like RPAS/UAVs and interactive online dashboards to enhance community resilience and environmental protection.
Known for his humility, integrity, and dedication, Darryl is a trusted leader committed to empowering the communities he serves. Affiliated with the Lillooet Tribal Council, he collaborates with local and provincial agencies, including the District of Lillooet, Regional District, BCWS, MOTI, FireSmart BC, HPP, FNESS, and neighboring nations, ensuring consistent emergency messaging. Darryl’s work exemplifies a lifelong commitment to community safety, resilience, and wildfire mitigation.
2) Where do you live and what geographical area do you cover? I live in Lillooet BC, born and raised in the remote community, Seton Portage. I support all members within the northern St'at'imc territory.
3) How long have you been a WMS? I first completed WMS with Joel, here in Lillooet, June 2023.
4) What made you decide that you wanted to be a WMS and support homeowners and neighbourhoods on how to become FireSmart? As a firefighting responder, travelling the province and across the nation, I learned that a lot of our communities were not properly prepared for emergency situations. The more I saw this over the years, the more I felt like I needed to do something more by sharing my knowledge and experiences and introducing FireSmart practices.
5) What would you say are your 2 biggest challenges as a WMS? Two main challenges include the better understanding of what home insurance companies participated in and what that might look like. The other challenge is trying to convince homeowners and communities to practice FireSmart activities all year and not just during the summer and or when there is a forest fire threatening.
6) What are some of your successes with the FireSmart program? Completing several educational and awareness events, in collaboration with neighboring nations and communities. Completing in school; High School and Elementary School education sharing events, completing an awareness video in collaboration with FNESS, Firesmart BC, District of Lillooet and a community leader. Overall, I feel like in the past 5 years of me in my role, my geographic area members are more aware and educated now and have begun FireSmart activities on their own instead of waiting for a community event.
7) What has been your favourite project/event you have done with your local FireSmart Program? Engaging the youth at the schools and creating the short educational video for me has been the highlight and I cannot wait to do this again. Also, working with FNESS and FireSmart BC, and HPP namely Dan Stevens, Kate Tudoruk, Amanda Reynolds and Ryan and Joel WMS.
8) What advice would you give to other WMSs? Share your experiences, get to know your clients and or community members, hear their stories. Be patient.
9) What is your favourite aspect of the FireSmart BC website? The available resources, including posters and videos, training materials. But also, the FireSmart stories, listening to people's stories and what they endured and how they overcame their challenges in wildfire mitigation.
Nominate a WMS
Know of a great WMS? Perfect! Nominate them today by using our submission form, or by sending us an email to [email protected] with their name and why you’d like to nominate them.