What is FireSmart?

Wildfire is a risk that all British Columbians need to be prepared for. But while that seems like a big task, FireSmart is here to help you get started and make proven steps toward protecting your home and your community from wildfire.

Whether it’s your house, your neighbourhood, critical infrastructure or vital resources, FireSmart has local experts and easily accessible resources that empower you to make your community safer.

FireSmart is founded on 7 disciplines

The disciplines address wildfire preparedness from different angles. They are legislation & planning, education, development considerations, vegetation management, emergency planning, training, and inter-agency cooperation.

Together, these disciplines help educate and prepare residents, their homes, neighbourhoods, critical infrastructure and vital natural resources from wildfire. This is a shared responsibility involving all homeowners, neighbourhood leaders, all levels of government and participation from the private sector.

Built upon solid research

FireSmart is based on foundational scientific evidence that suggests changes to the built environment are the best and most cost-effective way to increase a home’s survivability from wildfire.

FireSmart standards are adopted to decrease the likelihood of losses from wildfire events. It is recognized that there is an urgent need to increase and improve the scientific basis for FireSmart approaches to increase wildfire resiliency of communities.

Wildfire research

Who we are

The BCFSC members consist of the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS), Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC), Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), Fire Chiefs’ Association of BC (FCABC), Emergency Management BC (EMBC), Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC), First Nations’ Emergency Services Society of BC (FNESS), Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), BC Parks, Parks Canada and Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development – Regional Operations.

Learn more

The best defence is preparation.

Whether it’s our landscaping guide, local experts, regular newsletters or podcasts, or joining any of our community programs, the tools you need to become FireSmart are never far from home. In fact, they’re all right here at your fingertips. So download our guides, check out our educational resources, stream the stories of FireSmart experts, or sign up for our newsletter. However you decide to start your journey, you’re on your way to making your home and your community safer this season. Whether the fire danger rating is extreme or low, the stakes are always high if you’re not prepared. Following evacuation alerts and orders and getting ready before a wildfire disaster strikes can make a world of difference. So make a plan, keep your property FireSmart, and stay up to date on the latest evacuation alerts and orders this wildfire season.

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FireSmart BC Begins At Home Guide

This guide provides easy steps to make your property FireSmart, so you can reduce the potential impacts of wildfire on your home, neighbourhood, and community.

See the guide
FireSmart BC Begins At Home Guide

Looking for FireSmart tips? Check out these 11 quick tips on the FireSmart Your Home Infographic